How to Avoid Judgement

Pastor Rory Adams

In this episode, Pastor Rory preaches through 1st Corinthians 4:1-7.

Do you judge yourself to be a good person?

In this section of 1 Corinthians Paul reminds us to be careful not to judge others, and to not judge ourselves.

It is easy to acquit ourselves of our actions, without involving God or His grace. We can easily explain away the things we have done. We think our own actions are okay because our intentions were good, and we are a good person.

The Bible reminds us that no one apart from Christ is good, not even one.

Paul seeks to live with a clear conscience, but ultimately God is his judge. And God is your judge.

How do we avoid judgement? We receive God’s grace.

We say, "God I need your grace today. We ask God where are the areas in my life that I am unaware of my sin?" We are not qualified to condemn ourselves. Other people need God's grace. They don’t’ need my judgement and my condemnation.

How do you avoid judgement? Choose the grace that God freely gives, for you and for everyone in your life.